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LiteHide – on the light side of leather making

Your solution to reduce your impact on the planet

Who we are

What is Litehide?

Litehide™ is an innovative patent protected process for the preservation of animal hides designed to address the regulatory and environmental challenges now faced by the global leather industry. The Litehide™ process effectively eliminates the use of salt, which is a huge global land and waterway pollutant. Litehide™ increases profits by collagen harvesting, ease of grade verification and reducing waste. Litehide™ also significantly reduces shipping, water, and energy costs. All with little or no capital expenditure or reduction in the quality of leather produced. Litehide™ can be stored and allow for Just-in-Time production, a world’s first for leather.

Save Resources

An eco-friendly way to preserve and transport hides and skins

Reduce your CO2

Calculate your savings and offset them with our partners


Be able to communicate your sustainability efforts with the world by having real data

Are you fit for 55?

Protecting our planet’s future requires us all to reduce our environmental footprint and meet ambitious goals like the EU’s Fit for 55 package. From businesses to individuals, we must adopt sustainable practices and eco-friendly products to slash emissions across sectors.

Litehide leads the way by offering a revolutionary process that dramatically cuts emissions in transportation and storage of hides before the tanning process, also cutting your costs through easier stock-keeping and fast selection. Litehide perfectly aligns with Fit for 55 and is the smart choice for an eco-consious world and will improve your impact and transparency of hides to ensure your CSRD compliance.

From savings to profit

Sustainability is the balance of three concepts: Environment, People and Economy

A company can only sustain the environment and people if it is profitable. We are offering, together with our partners, the option of creating water or carbon credits that generate income if you significantly reduce your impacts. This can help you finance your transition to more sustainable production processes and projects.

Further, we assist with integrating other bio-based and cleaner processes and products, developed by our partners and support your team with all necessary information to integrate Litehide easily into your exisiting supply chains!

Responsibility and Traceability

Tracing hides is difficult. We at Litehide only work with certified sources which can guarantee you traceability and transparency in your procurement.

Through the CSRDDD in Europe and similar approaches of bigger leather certifications such as LWG, traceability has become an important asset for everybody. Our suppliers need to be able to certify their own procurement and sign an Ethical Code that enhances their responsibility for a more sustainable future.

Therefore we have chosen the SDGs as our guideline for a better tomorrow. We constantly improve our work to achieve, together with our clients, these goals. Join the Green Movement!


Join the green movement today!